Tahmasb I, sunnahs, The Battle of Manzikert, Bezm-u Rezm, Sheikh Juneyd, Akkoyunlu StateAbstract
Iran and the Ottoman Empire, two Muslim neighboring countries, have had good relations throughout history. Of course, this long association on the stage of history has sometimes been the scene of military and political conflicts. But these crises have never been able to deeply affect the friendship between these two nations. The purpose of this research is to highlight the good relations that have existed between the two countries. Undoubtedly, religious, political, scientific, cultural and mystical issues are at the forefront of the issues that connect these two nations. The fact that Atebat-ı Aliye, such as the Kaaba, Masjid-i Nebi, Najaf and Karbala, was located in the Ottoman lands, as well as the fact that the caravans traveling for trade and visits spent a lot of time in these lands, resulted in the establishment of very strong relations between the Iranian and Ottoman peoples.
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