
  • Yunusova Muattar Shokirovna Teacher of the English language department, Bukhara State Medical Institute


polysemy, monosemy, an anthropocentric paradigm, lexical, semantic-structural classification, phenomenon of polysemy, lexical meaning, word structure.


Some of the words in the language have one lexical meaning, and some have two or more meanings. Words are divided into two types according to this feature. Words with one lexical meaning are monosemy, and words with two or more lexical meanings are polysemy.  Polysemy plays an important role in all languages. Language richness is measured not only by existing words and phrases, but also by the amount of lexical meanings of words. The multi-meaning of words has its place and value in enriching the language.


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Ziyoyeva, D. A. (2023). SEMANTICS OF THE SPEECH VERBS SPEAK, TALK IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. Innovative Development in Educational Activities, 2(6), 217-225.

Anvarovna, D. Z. (2023). PARADIGMATIC ANALYSIS OF SPEECH VERBS IN ENGLISH AND UZBEK LANGUAGES. Journal of new century innovations, 38(2), 49-52.

Anvarovna, Z. D. (2023). PARADIGMATIC STRUCTURE IN SPEECH PRODUCTION. World scientific research journal, 20(1), 37-40.

Anvarovna, Z. D. Ziyoyeva, DA (2023). SEMANTICS OF THE SPEECH VERBS SPEAK, TALK IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. Innovative Development in Educational Activities, 2 (6), 217–225.

Ziyoyeva, D. A., & Anvarovna, Z. D. (2023). Syntagmatic Properties of English Speech Verbs Speak, Talk, Say, Tell. Academic Integrity and Lifelong Learning (France), 152–158.

Anvarovna, Z. D. (2023). Syntagmatic Properties of English Speech Verbs Speak, Talk, Say, Tell. Academic Integrity and Lifelong Learning (France), 152-158.

Anvarovna, Z. D. (2023). Syntagmatic Properties of English Speech Verbs Speak, Talk, Say, Tell. Academic Integrity and Lifelong Learning (France), 152-158.

Ziyoyeva, D. A. (2023). SEMANTICS OF THE SPEECH VERBS SPEAK, TALK IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. Innovative Development in Educational Activities, 2(6), 217-225.

Anvarovna, Z. D. (2023). Syntagmatic Properties of English Speech Verbs Speak, Talk, Say, Tell. Academic Integrity and Lifelong Learning (France), 152–158.

Anvarovna, Z. D. (2023). The Classification of Speech Verbs in English. Miasto Przyszłości, 33, 268-274.

Anvarovna, Z. D. (2023). The Classification of Speech Verbs in English. Miasto Przyszłości, 33, 268-274.

Anvarovna, Z. D. Different meaning of the speech verbs say, tell, speak, talk. International Journal on Integrated Education, 3(1), 95-97.





