
  • Boltobaev S.A
  • Mirzaev S Namangan State University
  • Azizov S.V
  • Kostikova O.V Namangan State Pedagogical Institute, Namangan, Uzbekistan


mulcts throw, result, effective, technician fulfilment, central, forwards, protector.


The article discusses the importance of controlling the technique of performing a free throw and its impact on performance. The existence of a complete relationship between the technique of the free throw and its effectiveness is noted. The evaluation of the free throw technique was the same and by the end of the experiment increased in two teams, which served to increase the % of hits of players of various roles and teams as a whole. The use of the same free throw training technique for teams of different qualifications led to a significant increase in the effectiveness of free throws, which has been experimentally proven.


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