psycholinguistics, speech activity, child’s speech, the process of ontogenesis, vocalization, gender, social and cultural environment.Abstract
Child’s speech is an important stage of the process of ontogenesis. Psycholinguistics studies child’s speech as speech activity from pure linguistic point of view. Child’s speech is specific level in ontogenetic development of speech, and as a research field, it studies patterns of development of pre-school-aged and school aged children’s speech.
In this article, phonological aspects of acquisition of mother tongue in Uzbek and Chinese children are analyzed. Studying language acquisition process, we can see the influence of gender and social-cultural environment. We observed acquisition of some vocals and consonants earlier than other sounds; difficulties in pronouncing some consonants; similarities of phonetic phenomena in vocalization process. There are phenomena which similar to all world languages in the patterns of language acquisition, which increases the importance of this field.
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