phrases, tradition, imagery, spirituality, journalistic text.Abstract
People's thinking and worldview differ depending on the culture of each country, and these different ideas and worldviews are expressed through language. Language and culture are closely related. Therefore, when learning a foreign language, it is necessary not only to learn grammar, but also to understand its culture. In this case, expressions are among the areas that need to be studied. By learning phrases, a person gets into the language and improves his skills.
Foreign students always have difficulty in understanding and using expressions in the process of learning Korean. It is known that expressions are inextricably linked with the spiritual culture, customs, profession, living conditions, aspirations, and attitude to reality of the people who own the language. Phrases are important tools that create imagery and expressiveness, and they serve to increase the expressive effectiveness of artistic, political and journalistic texts. Since Korean speakers use a lot of expressions in their daily lives, it is a bit difficult for foreigners to understand these expressions.
In this article, the features of Korean and Uzbek expressions are compared from a lexical-semantic point of view, and a convenient method for those who learn Korean expressions is described.
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김억조 신체어에 반영된 한국인의 문화 표현 양상 연구 - ‘눈, 코, 입, 귀, 머리, 손, 발'을 중심으로 = A Study on the Aspect of Korean People's Cultural Expressions (國際言語文學, Vol.31 No.31, [2015])[KCI 등재].