
  • Ergashova Shahrizoda Elbek kizi 3 rd year of student in Uzbekistan State World languages university shahrizam406@gmail.com


Teaching methods, innovations, methodology, skills, Dialogical speech, reading strategies


Nowadays, English is used by at least one billion people around the world, either as a first or as a second language. Therefore, it is very much considerable to me to be a professional teacher who is aware of the modern methods of teaching English language as a foreign language. No one can ignore the need and the value of methods for teaching English as a foreign language or even as a second language. Students are different in their needs. Some students learn visually, others orally; others have shorter attention skills and all come from different backgrounds. To meet all their needs, it is necessary to use a wide range of methods. Some methods teacher may do with the help of different resources or create them by alone based at teaching experience.


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