academic dictionary; cultural lexicography; intercultural communication; extralinguistic factor, electronic dictionary; printed dictionary; language acquisition; lexicography.Abstract
This article examines the significance of academic dictionaries in the context of intercultural communication. Intercultural communication involves communication between individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds, and language plays a crucial role in bridging the cultural divide. The article highlights the crucial role played by academic dictionaries in intercultural communication, as these dictionaries provide the necessary vocabulary and explanations that facilitate effective communication between people of different cultures. The article further explores how academic dictionaries can help overcome linguistic and cultural barriers and improve intercultural communication. In today's world, dictionaries are becoming increasingly complex and offer valuable information on language, words, and society. However, intercultural communication presents a challenge due to differing languages and cultural codes, which dictionaries have not fully addressed. Nonetheless, linguistic and cultural dictionaries show potential for convergence. This article examines the formation of a culturological direction in lexicography, identifies problems with reflecting culturally-loaded lexical units in linguistic dictionaries, and discusses the characteristics of modern linguistic and cultural reference books.
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