
  • B.T. Khalmatova
  • M.K. Mirrakhimova
  • N.U. Nishonboyeva Tashkent Medical Academy, Tashkent, Uzbekistan


Allergy symptoms are linked with certain periods of development, in other words there are allergic steps [2,8,10]. It is interesting that, the start of allergic pathology corresponds to the age under 5 [1,6,7,9] . In that age manifestations of allergy effect many organs of a child, causing systemic morphofunctional failure; it also effects pregnancy progression in mothers [3,5,11]. But at the same time in that age it is possible to effect the development of allergy from the prophylactic and therapeutic points of view. Every age period in a child’s development has certain stages of reactivity development which are called “atopic steps” or “atopic march” [4,7,12].


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