Smirnov’s homogeneity criterion, Pearson’s homogeneity criterion, control charts to control the heterogeneity of two independent samples, control chart boundaries, analysis of the pedagogical experiment using control charts, experimental and control group.Abstract
Purpose - The purpose of this article is to reduce the statistical analysis of the pedagogical experiment to diagrams using control charts.
Design/methodology/approach. The study uses an inductive method, while decisions are made based on current real data.
Findings. Research shows that the constructed new control cs not only check the homogeneity of two samples, they can also be used as a tool for checking the quality of the educational process, as a document of the experiments conducted, a common language of various specialists and as the voice of the pedagogical process.
Research limitations/implications. The results of the work can be used to study other processes where checking the uniformity of two samples is required.
Practical implications. The methodology used can be used to improve the pedagogical experiment and to compare the same experiments given by other researchers.
Originality/value. The research fills the gaps in the analysis of pedagogical experiments by statistical methods.
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