
  • Ibragimova Zukhra Adilbekovna Assistant of the department "Military field therapy and hematology" of Urganch branch of Tashkent Medical Academy
  • Rakhimov Dadakhan Jaloladdinovich Urganch Branch of Tashkent Medical Academy Assistant of the "General Surgery" department


Currently, the main interest of scientists is to study the mechanism of development and treatment methods of hemolytic anemias (HC), which account for 5.3% of all blood system diseases and 11.5% of anemia cases in the world.[1],[2]. At the same time, the study of the mechanisms of erythrocyte breakdown, which provides natural tolerance in hemolytic anemias


[1]Mentzer WC, Schrier SL Extrinsic nonimmune hemolytic anemias. In: Hoffman R, Benz EJ Jr., Silberstein LE, et al., eds. Hematology: Basic Principles and Practice. 7th ed. Philadelphia, Pa.: Elsevier; 2018:663–672.

[2]Onyeabo Ch., Achi K. Ngozi, Ekeleme-Egedigwe Chima A., Chidinma U. Ebere, Chidinma K. Okoro Haematological and biochemical studies on justicia carnea leaves extract in phenylhydrazine induced-anemia in albino rats// Acta Sci. Pol. Technol. Alimony. 16(2) 2017, 217–230.


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Karimov Kh.Ya., Shevchenko L.I., Isroilov A.A. Comparative evaluation of the antioxidant properties of a domestic multifunctional blood substitute in experimental hemorrhagic shock // Compilationofscientificworks “Theusingofhigh-techmethod sofdiagnosis and treatment for the blood system diseases”, IV International Uzbek-Turkish Congress of hematologists and transfusiologists of Uzbekistan - 20-21 April 2018, Tashkent. - P. 45-47.

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