
  • Bobokulov Azizbek Zoxid ugli Law enforcement academy


emerging technologies, artificial intelligence, blockchain, cybercrime, cyber law enforcement, AI-driven cyber attacks, blockchain-based systems, legal and regulatory gaps, international cooperation, information sharing, public-private partnerships, policy and legislative reforms, capacity building, collaboration, future trends, implications, recommendations.


This study examines how new technologies, such as blockchain and artificial intelligence (AI), are affecting cybercrime and the difficulties they provide for cyber law enforcement. It analyzes real-world case studies, looks at how fraudsters use AI and blockchain for bad things, and pinpoints the dangers and weaknesses these technologies provide. The paper also examines the gaps in the rules and regulations surrounding the use of developing technologies and identifies the particular difficulties encountered by law enforcement organizations in preventing cybercrime. The ramifications for global collaboration and information exchange amongst law enforcement organizations are also covered. The essay ends with suggestions for policymakers, law enforcement organizations, and stakeholders to improve their capacity for cyber law enforcement and proposes topics for further study.


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