According to information, 65-70% of irrigated lands in our republic are prone to natural salinity. Because the location of mineralized seepage waters in such lands close to the surface of the earth leads to their constant evaporation and preservation of salts on the surface of the earth. For this reason, annual salt washing of saline lands is an important agromelioration event. The main purpose of salt washing is to wash excess salts from the soil, which are harmful to the growth and development of agricultural crops, and to reduce the mineralization of seepage water. , 56 thousand 560 hectares are medium, 172 thousand 443 hectares are weakly saline areas.Detailed information was given at the demonstration seminar dedicated to the preparation of fields for sowing seeds for the harvest of 2023 for salt washing and the qualitative implementation of the specified agromelioration measures at the farm "Sugdiyona" in the Vobkent district of the Bukhara region.Today, 150-180 m3/second of water is taken within the border of the region and directed to irrigation works.
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