
  • I.M. Jurayev Teacher of the English Language Department of FerSU, Uzbekistan


Early cognitive processes, symbolic creativity, history, societal progress, family problems, attitudes, exemplary figures.


The article examines ancient myths, legends, and written records that depict not just the natural occurrences associated with gods and divine powers, but also the dynamics of family relationships.


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Jurayev, I.M. (2020). Ferdowsi And Uzbek Literature: Household And Social Issues. ACADEMICIA An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal, (Vol.10, Issue 11, pp. 1345-1349).

Жўраев, И. (2022). Маиший муаммолар ибтидоси. “Issues Of Philological Education: Problem Issues And Their Innovative Solutions” Collection Of Materials Of The International Conference,(1), 282-284.

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Жўраев, И. (2022).Тангликдан тенгликкача.Science and Innovation International Scientific Journal (Vol. 1, ISSUE 8, UIF-2022: 8.2, pp. 1213-1216).

Jurayev, I.M. (2023).The role of women in ancient society. American Journal of Philological Sciences. VOLUME 03 ISSUE 08 PAGES: 29-33 SJIF IMPACT FACTOR (2022: 5. 445) (2023: 6. 555).

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Axmadjonov Nurbek, Xabibullayeva D. Classification and linguocultrological characteristics of precedent units. Fars international journal of education, social science humanities. issn: 2945-4492. 10(12); 2022; Impact Factor: SJIF 2022 6.786. P. 777-780

Axmadjonov Nurbek, Islomjonova Jasmina. Badiiy matnda allyuziv antroponimlarning xususiyatlari. Journal of advanced research and stability volume: 03 issue: 01 | jan - 2023 issn: 2181-2186

Akhmadjonov Nurbek FerSU, PhD in philology, Yusupova Mohibonu FerSU, Student. Allusive Names in Artistic Texts. Vital Annex: International Journal of Novel Research in Advanced Sciences (IJNRAS) Volume: 02 Issue: 02 | 2023 ISSN: 2751-756X. Page 34-38





