torrent, flood, chill, water, stream, stream, river, Geographical culture, modern pedagogical technologies, interactive methods, natural gift.Abstract
Currently, in order to improve the quality and efficiency of the educational process in higher and secondary education, in the implementation of the State Education Standards, Geography is provided with a curriculum and textbooks, along with all general education subjects. Pedagogical technologies are being implemented. Tested methods show their effectiveness in students' careful mastering of the content of geographical objects, events and processes presented in DTS, in learning about cause and effect connections. Increasing students' interest by using innovative technologies and several types of interactive methods in the course of the lesson is one of the priority tasks for all pedagogues. Using the "Nature and Wisdom" method during each lesson, like different methods, leads students to research, to have a different attitude to nature and the environment, and to love science. Among them, the place of proverbs and wisdom about water is incomparable. Water is a natural gift and it is our duty not to waste it.
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