media texts, media literacy, linguistics, lexical formation, regional language, improvement, process, usage of vocabularyAbstract
As linguistics develops as a general theory of language, a new subfield called media linguistics is emerging. It is related to other subfields of linguistics including psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics, developmental linguistics, legal linguistics, political linguistics, etc. The use of the media as a source of both historical and current data for research is a part of media linguistics. It is crucial when analyzing regional language and regional dialect representations in media that deal with the portrayal of society and culture. Understanding how the media propagates linguistic ideology and can enhance or preserve representation of a dominant language or of a minority language depends on media linguistics. Due to its cultural and contextual connections, use of media language in second language classes, and its role in exposing pupils to native speakers' syntax and vocabulary, are all encouraged. We can talk about information regarding lexical combination development in media texts in this article.
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