
  • Egamberdiev M.S professor of the department “Hydrology and ecology”


phosphoanhydrite , sulfate-containing, sulfoaluminate module, sulfosilicate module, SAS cements, calcium aluminoferrites , chemical composition of components, aluminous-sulfoaluminate-belite , magneto-belite , magneto-sulfoaluminate-belite .


It's like a division phosphoanhydrite into two components, it is possible to determine the composition of the raw material mixture and clinker using the formulas we have developed, and according to the composition of the clinker, in turn, the necessary decomposition stump of CaSO4 of the raw mixture.


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Egamberdiev M.S., The influence of sulfoclinker additives on the properties of Portland cement, Finland Academic Research Science Publishers , 2023, 652-658 p.

Egamberdiev M.S., The role of psychology in architecture, Finland Academic Research Science Publishers, 2023, 642-647 p.






