Faraz qilaylik, fazoda qarama-qarshi maqsadli ikkita o’yinchilar, ya’ni o’yinchi (quvlovchi) va o’yinchi (qochuvchi) harakatlanayotgan bo’lib, o’yinchi biror yo’nalishda o’yinchini ta’qib qilsin. Quvlovchi va qochuvchilarning fazodagi holatlarini mos ravishda va orqali belgilaymiz. Ularning harakatlari quyidagi differensial tenglamalar va boshlang’ich shartlar orqali berilgan bo’lsin:
Isaacs R. Differential games. John Wiley and Sons, New York. 1965, 340 p.
Pontryagin L.S. Selected Works. MAKS Press, Moscow. 2014, 551 p. (In Russian)
Krasovsky N.N., Subbotin A.I. Game-Theoretical Control Problems. Springer, New York. 1988, 517 p.
Azamov A.A., Samatov B.T. The П-Strategy: Analogies and Applications. The Fourth International Conference Game Theory and Management. St. Petersburg: Leningrad. Univ. June 28-30, 2010, pp. 33-47.
Satimov N.Yu. Methods for Solving the Pursuit Problem in the Theory of Differential Games. Izd-vo NUUz, Tashkent, 2003. (In Russian)
Ibragimov G.I. Differential multi-person game with integral constraints for controls of the players. Izv. Vuzov, Matematika, 2004, No. 4, pp. 48-52.
Samatov B.T., Horilov M.A., Akbarov A.Kh. Differential games with non-stationary geometric constraints on controls. Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. Pleiades Publishing, 2022, Vol. 43, No. 1, pp 237-248.
Samatov B.T., Soyibboev U.B. Differential game with a lifeline for the inertial movements of players. Ural Mathematical Journal, 2021, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 94-109.