phosphor gypsum, anhydride cement, anhydride, catalyst, blast stone, burnt dalamite, sodium sulfate, lime-phosphorus gypsum, phosphate anhydride, gypsum-lime binder.Abstract
Anhydrous cement mainly consists of anhydrous calcium sulfate. Including natural or synthetic gypsum, after burning it up to 7000 C, various other additives together with catalysts are saturated to powder. Dalamet, crushed blaststone with a lot of alkaline calcium oxide, etc. are used as additives. Soviet scientists P.E.Somonovskaya, P.F.Gordashevsky, V.I.Berezovsky conducted a lot of scientific research on obtaining anhydride cement in phosphorgypsum. As a result, anhydride cement production technology, which does not harden as fast as ordinary gypsum, but gives properties typical of cement, has been applied. As a result, it is possible to prepare a powdery binder that does not expand with the size of cement, but has the hardening properties typical of cements.
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