
  • Khamrakulov Utkirjon Makhmudovich Senior Lecturer of the Combined Arms Training Cycle Faculty of Military Education of the Fergana State University lieutenant colonel of the reserve


distance learning; distance education; informatization of society; distance educational technologies; Information Technology; sociological research; scientific and technological progress, a panacea


The article is devoted to the current problem in the field of distance education. The article presents the results of a study of the problem of using distance technologies in the educational process of higher educational institutions. The analysis of the application of forms of distance learning in the education of students at the present stage of development of society in comparison with the classical form of education is presented. The article discusses the forms of distance learning that were used during the coronavirus pandemic, an analysis of the positive and negative aspects of distance learning is carried out. He article specifies the existing difficulties in the use of distance learning technologies in higher education, which teachers faced in the communicative, educational, motivational, organizational and technical process.

The article reveals and substantiates the possibilities and experience of using distance learning for full-time students. The experience of using distance learning technologies is analyzed on the example of some universities. The empirical base of the study was the results of surveys of university teachers on the use of distance learning in higher education institutions.

The study conducted in the article and the results obtained have identified the most relevant criteria that could contribute to the successful implementation of distance learning forms in higher education institutions. The article also discusses the possible potential for the development of distance education. The article concluded that distance education would be more effective if methods and technologies were developed that would take into account the traditions of the country's public education.


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