
  • Ugilay K.Abdurahmanova Gulistan state university of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Gulistan
  • Khairulla. K.Egamberdiev Gulistan state university of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Gulistan


monoammonium salt of glycyrrhizic acid, iron (III), spectrophotometric determination, graduation table, absorption maxima..


The authors of the article suggest simple and express method of spectrophotometric determination of iron (III) through derivatives of monoammonium salt of glycyrrhizic acid (MASGA). The spectral characteristics of the MASGA-Fe (III) complex - absorption maxima (λmax = 440nm) and the actual molar extinction coefficient (ε = 3,425 × 102) were determined. The optimal conditions for the determination of iron (III) in the range of its concentrations of 2,0–45,0 μg / 25 ml of solution have been established.


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