
  • Akramova Parvina Aminovna Lecturer at the Bukhara Institute of Natural Resources Management of the National Research University of Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers.
  • Berdiyeva Zarina Farhod kizi
  • Sharipova Zaynab Zaripovna Students of Bukhara Institute of Natural Resources Management of the National Research University of Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers.


Ecological education, upbringing, thinking, ecological culture, ecological crisis, human society, natural environment, exhaustibility of natural resources, unregulated levels of consumption, system of ecological education.


The article is devoted to the аctuаl problem of ecological education of а person and society, with the help of which humanity can achieve the creation of а socially and environmentally prosperous state. It is noted that the main causes of the ecological crisis are the established principles of life that guide modern man. In particular, as а result of the uneven and cruel use of natural resources, excessively active life without taking into account the vital needs of future generations, nature is seriously damaged. Particular attention is paid to educational tasks at all stages of ecological development and the formation of mankind. The environmental situation in different countries largely depends on the level of environmental аwаreness of the population, environmental culture. Environmental education and training must continue continuously.


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